Getting Started with Grooming


Would you like to use our services? Follow the instructions below so you can book a groom.

*Note - All dogs must be evaluated before using daycare or boarding and must have updated Rabies for grooming

Step One: Register for a new account through Pet Exec.

(If you have already registered, and your dogs have already used daycare, boarding services in the past few years, or grooming in the past few months you likely have an account. Click here to log in. For information on resetting the password click here. Email us for help at

Step Two: Upload Rabies Vaccination records in Pet Exec.

Step 3, Submit email to request grooming services.

(The link below has pre-set information, once we respond and have added your pet, you can request grooming services. You will see an option for boarding but evaluations must be done first. See instructions to schedule an evaluation here)

What to expect next

We will add your pet and reply through the email. Once we do, you can then log into pet exec and request the individual services, date, and time.